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2013 Barron’s Top 50 Annuities

Published: June 17, 2013 Categories: Finance, In the News, Investing

182907_577703478941218_1582027348_nAnnuity companies are trying to make a comeback after years of struggling to remain financially sound under the cloud of low interest rates and high stock-market volatility. With annuity sales down 8.4% last year, to $211.8 billion, the lowest level since 2005, annuity providers are aggressively designing and marketing annuities that — like the low-cost variable annuities — appeal to very specific investor goals or needs.

“For years, companies offered products that tried to do everything at once — give the highest rates, best liquidity, best income guarantees, and benefits,” says Ken Nuss, founder of, which has free listings of fixed index and income annuities. “But that’s over. They’re getting better at fulfilling a specific goal more effectively.

Barron’s Top 50 Annuities: